Maian Affiliate Changelog ( [+] Added [*] Updated/Removed [-] Bug Fix/Security Advisory Version 1.1 (12 Sep 2022): ----------------------------------- [+] In admin CP product promo material file extensions limited to zip, rar, 7z and PDF for security. Can be updated if required. [+] In admin CP added one click view and delete options for product promo downloads [+] Added official support for PHP8.0* & PHP8.1* [+] Added http/https protocol option for base path and social links to prevent mod_security issues [+] Added optional Privacy Policy for account creation [+] Added official support for PHP7.4* [+] API update. Added new calls to get commission, payment, affiliate and referral data. Useful if you want to implement tiers in your products. [+] Added basic captcha option if cleanTalk is not enabled or is not used. [+] Added support for PHP mail function [+] In admin CP you can now re-order the main off canvas menu. Options you don"t need can also be hidden. [+] Added option to add custom admin pages. Useful for backend information in a secure area for yourself or clients [*] Updated Mobile Detection Class (2.8.39) [*] Updated Codebird Twitter library (4.0) [*] Import and export routines now use the system temporary folder. This is auto cleared by the garbage collector and is used for better performance. [*] Security enhancement. Backup folder path must explicitly be set in admin CP now for security. [*] Update trumbowyg jquery plugin (2.25.1) [*] Updated Bootstrap library (3.4.1) [*] Updated upgrade routines to auto switch system off during upgrade. [*] Updated jQuery javascript library (3.6.0) [*] Documentation updated. 404 links removed or updated and typos fixed. [*] Updated API to kill any sessions created by API call as these are not necessary [*] Added Nette Tracy PHP debugging system for better error reporting and exception handling (2.9.3) [*] Added more controls to admin WYSIWYG editor including image, media, link, colour and formatting options [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.6.4) [*] Removed LOAD DATA INFILE function for affiliate imports due to too many errors. [*] Removed Google+ meta tags due to closure of social network [-] Fixed issue where accounts were not activated or visible if added by admin [-] Fixed bug that prevented affiliate referrals from being deleted in admin CP [-] Fixed a couple of issues related to affiliate referrals Version 1.0 (30 Oct 2018): ----------------------------------- [+] Initial Release Version