After a few weeks of searching the web for a email auto responder provider I came across the Maian Responder. The website is very clean and professional in its appearance and was easy to get the information I was after. The website offered a "Free" trail and stated that version 2 was due out in the next few weeks, so with nothing to loose I downloaded it. I opened up the files and read the information on how to install it, well what can I say, the script is so easy to install it almost falls over itself trying to help you, it is so easy, within 10 minutes of downloading the files the responder was running on my wife's domain. After logging into the admin control panel and a few clicks I had my first email auto responder up an running, so easy and worked right out the box. I did have one little issue so I emailed support, within 10 minutes, I had a response from the owner/developer who explained that I had not completed a task prior to the install, so it was nothing wrong with the software just me being eager !! After several days version 2 of the software was released so I attempted the upgrade, this also was very easy to do. After upgrading the software and testing I decided to buy the software not only for my wife's domain. I can honestly say that the install was just as easy on my second domain and the licencing too was very straight forward. I cannot recommend this software highly enough. Well done to the developer and I trust more software will be developed over the coming years.

Simon Hughes